
Oil pressing process and palm oil press machine introduction

Oil Pressing Machine process introduce:
Press to take the oil of course, is by the action of mechanical force, the oil from the oil extraction process extruded feed. In the press process, occurring mainly physical changes, such as material deformation. Grease separators, and water evaporation. However, due to the temperature of temperature, moisture, microbial, but also produce changes in certain biochemical aspects. When the press, the material ions under pressure inside and outside surfaces pressed against each other, resulting in the liquid portion and a gel fraction generate two different processes, namely how the oil from being squeezed out of the gap and the formation of virgin material particles deform cake.
Palm oil press machine introduction:
The purpose of mashing is to separate the pulp and nut and crush the palm pulp. At the same time, the steam is used to cook the palm fruit and broke the cell of pulp. Because of cooking, sterilizing, threshing and mashing made the pulp soft and damage pulp cell structure, the palm pulp becomes soft and cell is broken. Then it is sent to continuous screw press. After pressing, oil palm fruit is divided into two parts: the mixture of oil, water and solid impurities, and the press cake (fiber and nut).

