
Expanded role of rice bran oil processing

Huatai machinery is a professional rice bran oil making machine and palm oil mill plant manufacturer in China.
Rice bran oil expansion sectino is very important in rice bran oil  pretreatment process line.
Oil extrusion using extrusion device crushed, compacted or granulated fuel conversion process into a porous puffed pellets. Bran After extrusion, the extruded pellets bulk density increases, tissue is completely destroyed, with more internal porosity, the outer surface having more free oil, particle size and mechanical strength is increased, when the solvent extraction permeable material layer is greatly improved, the leaching rate increases, leaching time is shortened, thus making the extraction yield increased by 30% -50%. Expanded pellets improvement in oil extraction solvent when the material layer permeable, so the leaching solution after the wet meal containing only 60% after the wet green meal containing leaching solution, which can make the wet pulp production increased desolventizing equipment wet meal and the energy required for removing solvent consumption greatly reduced. Clumping phenomenon when wet meal desolventizing significantly reduced, which is due to causes clumping of plant proteins in the expanding process has been denatured reason.
Puffed rice bran passivation process which lipoxygenase, phospholipase enzymes enzymes, acid leaching of lower prices, reduce non-hydrated phospholipid content, extraction of crude oil quality. Extruded material extraction to reduce the phospholipid content of the crude oil in Central Africa hydration, reducing the amount of residual phospholipids After allowing hydration unglued, oil refining yield increase. While taking advantage of extruded material obtained by extraction of crude oil hydration foot oil production yield increase Lecithin and phospholipid lecithin content increased. 

