
Expanded role of rice bran oil processing

Huatai machinery is a professional rice bran oil making machine and palm oil mill plant manufacturer in China.
Rice bran oil expansion sectino is very important in rice bran oil  pretreatment process line.
Oil extrusion using extrusion device crushed, compacted or granulated fuel conversion process into a porous puffed pellets. Bran After extrusion, the extruded pellets bulk density increases, tissue is completely destroyed, with more internal porosity, the outer surface having more free oil, particle size and mechanical strength is increased, when the solvent extraction permeable material layer is greatly improved, the leaching rate increases, leaching time is shortened, thus making the extraction yield increased by 30% -50%. Expanded pellets improvement in oil extraction solvent when the material layer permeable, so the leaching solution after the wet meal containing only 60% after the wet green meal containing leaching solution, which can make the wet pulp production increased desolventizing equipment wet meal and the energy required for removing solvent consumption greatly reduced. Clumping phenomenon when wet meal desolventizing significantly reduced, which is due to causes clumping of plant proteins in the expanding process has been denatured reason.
Puffed rice bran passivation process which lipoxygenase, phospholipase enzymes enzymes, acid leaching of lower prices, reduce non-hydrated phospholipid content, extraction of crude oil quality. Extruded material extraction to reduce the phospholipid content of the crude oil in Central Africa hydration, reducing the amount of residual phospholipids After allowing hydration unglued, oil refining yield increase. While taking advantage of extruded material obtained by extraction of crude oil hydration foot oil production yield increase Lecithin and phospholipid lecithin content increased. 


Palm oil deodorization technology

Palm oil contains various components, each with its specific volatility. In physical refining, it is mainly free fatty acids (FFA) that need to be stripped. Apart from FFA, other volatile components, either valuable (tocopherols, sterols, etc) or unwanted (off-flavors, pesticide residues, light polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, etc), are also removed during deodorization.
Palm oil Deodorization is actually a stripping process in which a given amount of a stripping agent (usually steam) is passed for a given period of time through hot palm oil at a low pressure. Hence, it is mainly a physical process in which various volatile components are removed. However, since it is usually carried out at high temperature (> 200°C), some chemical, thermal effects may take place as well.

Oil pressing process and palm oil press machine introduction

Oil Pressing Machine process introduce:
Press to take the oil of course, is by the action of mechanical force, the oil from the oil extraction process extruded feed. In the press process, occurring mainly physical changes, such as material deformation. Grease separators, and water evaporation. However, due to the temperature of temperature, moisture, microbial, but also produce changes in certain biochemical aspects. When the press, the material ions under pressure inside and outside surfaces pressed against each other, resulting in the liquid portion and a gel fraction generate two different processes, namely how the oil from being squeezed out of the gap and the formation of virgin material particles deform cake.
Palm oil press machine introduction:
The purpose of mashing is to separate the pulp and nut and crush the palm pulp. At the same time, the steam is used to cook the palm fruit and broke the cell of pulp. Because of cooking, sterilizing, threshing and mashing made the pulp soft and damage pulp cell structure, the palm pulp becomes soft and cell is broken. Then it is sent to continuous screw press. After pressing, oil palm fruit is divided into two parts: the mixture of oil, water and solid impurities, and the press cake (fiber and nut).


Small scale oil refining plant features

Huatai machinery small scale oil refinery line / plant are great choice for small capacity oil refinery. The small oil refinery production plant can remove phospholipids, FFA, pigment, gums, waxes, off-flavor and other impurities in the oil.The oil which is extracted from the oil mill plant and extraction plants is processed in our Oil Refinery Plant. We manufacture and supply the SMALL SCALE PILOT REFINERY PROJECT that has lower costs and lower capacity. This small scale pilot refinery plant can be very useful for new customers who are planning for the start-up industry in the field of oil refining.
This small scale refinery plant can process a great number of plant seeds in to refined oil, for example, this plant can help process soybean oil, mustard seed oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, safflower seed oil, corn germ oil, camellia seed oil,palm oil and so on.
Our small scale oil refinery line / plant benefit:
1.Small Capacity for the Oil Refinery
2.Lower Investment
3.Easy Refining and Storing of Oils
4.Very Less Maintenance
5.Long Lasting and Efficient
Any need,please contact me via mary@oilmachineworld.com or leave a message on http://www.palmoilmachine.com.
oil refining plant:http://www.edibleoilmill.com/Oil_refining_191.html

Huatai machinery tell you the basic task of refineries arrangement

Object refineries arrangement involving the equipment used in the production of various materials (various media such as raw materials, semi-finished and finished products as well as the public system, which according to the different nature and forms are stored in different places), engaged in the production of operators, railways and roads of various materials pipelines. Refineries usually arranged into plant layout and plant layout. The former is commonly called the general layout, the latter known as plant layout. On the division of work, such a division can make general layout professional and technology professionals have their own clear scope of work; but on the nature of the work, the two are indivisible whole, because they have the same task, but Working range sizes, namely plant layout is global, and each plant layout is local.
1, according to the production characteristics of industrial enterprises, technical requirements, transportation and health and safety requirements, with a variety of natural conditions and local conditions, rational layout whole plant buildings, facilities, transportation routes,
Determining the mutual position and specific locations between them, the total industrial enterprises in the plane that is arranged.
2, according to the construction site of the natural terrain and the general layout requirements, rational use and transform the plant's natural topography, coordinate the relationship and off the buildings, facilities, transport routes, namely, the vertical arrangement and the oil refinery business conduct mass haul plan.
3, the correct choice and off various modes of transport, rational organization of transport systems and handling of people, goods flow. Responsible for the design of transport facilities or a proposal commissioned by the design.
4, a reasonable comprehensive arrangement outdoor venue on the ground, all kinds of engineering and technical pipelines underground, so they do not conflict and conflict. Make a variety of pipe line more simple, with the general plan and coordinate vertical layout.
5, greening and beautification conduct plant design or design requirements, commissioned the design.
Huatai machinery is a professional oil making machine manufacture in China.We produce palm oil processing plant,rice bran oil making machine,sunflower oil press machine,soybean oil making machine etc,.If you want to set up a oil making plant.please e-mail to mary@oilmachineworld.com.